New series: Meet the Staff!

A little humor from our staff to lighten your day!

Today, we'd like you to meet Joe Walowski! (Everyone say it, "Hi, Joe! ")⁠

Super Joe

Super Joe

Hip hop name: Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo/Kung Fu Joe⁠⁠

Toilet paper- Over or Under?: Under (Nooooooo)⁠⁠

Superpower: Remembering people's names⁠⁠

First concert: Stryper ("Yeah, the religious band! They threw out little paper bibles!")⁠⁠

Most recent Netflix binge: The Office⁠⁠

Favorite thing about CrestedButte: My Acme Liquor family⁠⁠

Gravestone epitaph: Here lies Joe⁠


Stop by Acme soon and talk to Joe about this problem with the toilet paper!! ⁠:-)

meet the staffJen Hillebrandt