Meet the Staff!

A little humor from our staff to lighten your day!

Today, we'd like you to say hello to Karen, the Keeper of Random Knowledge!

Karen Boyle

Karen Boyle

Hip hop name: Special K⁠⁠

Favorite adult beverage: Mezcal tequila

Toilet paper: Under (yes!)-- so the cats can't shred it as easily :-)

⁠⁠Superpower: Having random people tell me random things...or, finder of all lost things at home⁠⁠

First concert: Van Halen

Most recent Netflix binge: Stranger Things⁠⁠

Favorite thing about CrestedButte: I can be as weird as I want without much judgement ⁠⁠

Epitaph: She tried her best...⁠

You're all welcome to come get weird at Acme any time!!!⁠